Stephen Ferry

Non-fiction Photographer

As a non-fiction photographer and teacher of documentary practice at the International Center of Photography (USA) and the Fundación Gabo (Colombia), I am profoundly concerned by the risk that generative AI poses to the credibility of photographs as a source of information and evidence for the public. Already we have seen plenty of examples where AI-generated synthetic images have fooled masses of people, despite the fact the technology is still in its relative infancy. In order to safeguard the long-term credibility of the photographic record there needs to be a robust industry-wide set of standards that guarantee that no synthetic images will be published without a clear marking to distinguish them from actual photographs. I endorse the statement or principles set forth by the photojournalism working group.

A man cries to himself outside a bar. San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, Colombia. 2004.

Stephen Ferry
Non-Fiction Photographer and Teacher

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